Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Need Medical help ASAP.What is the best way to get rid of seizures ?

I had AVM back in 2004 which led to me having craniotomy. In 2007 I had my 1st post operation seizure. Was really nasty. I was with my sister back then and she told me I suddenly became violent and hit her and shouted at her. It was a shock to me cuz all I remember was waking up in the hospital and my body hurt really bad all over. Underwent the necessary brain scans and everything , all of which turned up clear. My doc told me it may have been due to scarring from my opereation. Found it really weird that time cuz it had been 3 years since my surgery. They put me on antiseizure meds 3 times a day then after 2 mos checked up with may doc and reduced my intake to 2x a day for 4 mos and then told me I could quit taking after that. Despite doc's advice I maintained taking once everyday before going to bed. Last time scared me so much, didn't want to risk the possibility dying while asleep. My kid's only 4. Then Nov 08 another seizure struck me and ended up in the hospital again when I gained lucidity. So I was put on meds 2x a day. I decided to keep doin that and never quit it. To my utmost shock 2 weeks ago I had another one, though I was told I was only out like 3 mins so I wasnt brought to the hospital. Left me with a bum shoulder though, Deltoid's still numb to this day and havin trouble moving my right arm cuz certain positions trigger a vary sharp pain inside . This is very disturbing cuz interval between occurences is getting significantyl shorter and despite me being on regular meds. Right now I'm on meds 3x a day.

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