Thursday, August 18, 2011

OLTL Do you ever have one of these days?

Okay, I pretty much agree with you on most points. Todd and Antonio were the main reasons I watched (now just Todd). I used to like Marty, but now she's just lost her damn mind. That whole Natalie-Brody thing was just stupid. Glad Cole's gone. Would like to see David Vickers come back. Would like for them to leave Bo and Nora the hell alone!. Would like to see Gigi fall off the Eiffel Tower. And didn't Rex do a DNA test to find out if he was Bo's son? (I'm not sure). And if so, wouldn't that have shown that he was related to Bo even if only as his nephew? I'm in the medical field and some of the medical BS they show makes me sick. Yeah, so really getting tired of it all. Already quit the two other shows I watched.

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