Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What was the happiest moment of your life?

Mine was when I was hosting a video game event at school, during school, like I do every week, and the girl I was in love with (it unrequited love at the time, since well, I never really asked her out) showed up. We were playing Total Annihilation (with both The Core Contingency and Battle Tactics). Well, I offered if she wanted to play, but she didn't (she is also a gamer, we are best friends), but she didn't. She watched me play though. I first owned Terran (who could have easily owned me, since he had air superiority) by sending a relatively small amount of men to attack his base, but his Commander got trapped and couldn't retreat, so I destroyed his commander (making him lose the game). Jacob and I were then in a stand off. I had superior technology, but very few resources. I kept sending waves of units at his weak base, but his defenses held. I eventually ended the game with a mive airstrike. I am so glad Tabitha showed up, without her support and guidance, I probably wouldn't have won (well I still would have, but I love her anyway...I mean...I loved her).

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