Sunday, August 14, 2011

Name of Arynna? What do you think?

Okay this is my THIRD time asking it but what do you think of the name Arynna? It's pronounced ah-REE-nah NOT ah-RY-nah, okay? It's for a fantasy that I'm writing and she's a fairy-elf. She's extraordinarily beautiful. She's 17 years old. She loves to shoot arrows. She has white-blond hair with dark brown highlights and her hair's wavy and long. Her eyes are wide, piercing, stunning, and mint green. Her figure is exquisite. Um... A person suggested that I make her highlights blond - but I don't know if that would really fit. What do you guys think? And she's a mythical creature (she's a fairy-elf for God's sake!) and she's fierce, bold, nice, gentle, and soft-hearted. What do you think?

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