Friday, August 12, 2011

I have a lapse in auto insurance in NJ and now I need some help... FAST !!!!!!?

Okay so I bought a car in April of this year (2011) and I had to have insurance to drive the car off the lot- the sales guy told me to call Geico for a policy and I would be able to cancel it after the first month so I did that and on May 28th I called and cancelled my policy (it was so expensive) because I had received a quote from NJCURE which was 200.00 less than Geico- when I called NJCURE back to set up the policy they informed me that my license was suspended ( my EX apparantly took my old car and got tickets he never told me about) The soonest I could get a court date was on June 20th- the judge rescinded the suspension but then every company I called gave me such a high quote ?!?! I am a 23 year old single mother who pays 850.00 a month for rent which is all electric (200.00 to 275 monthly!)- with out any help from the state, my dad died a year ago my mom is in foreclosure and unemployed for 3 years now and to top it off I just lost my job and went from making 30k a year to 12k from unemployment I have no idea what to do because my car payment is 230 and every other bill- Does anyone know of any insurance company that will help me ?!?! Please !!!! The finance company wants to "store" my car at their building until they get insurance docs!!!!! Thanks sooo much

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