Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to overcome public speaking? (big blusher)!?

I know what you mean. i am not shy, i am actually the exact opposite. i am a loud, bubbly person, but i hate reading my own work in front of people. My best advice is to first read it to someone you are close to, weather that be one of your parents or your friends and get their opinion on it. then once you know its good, you shouldn't be as nervous. but if that doesn't help you could always try the old picturing the audience in their underwear, witch never works for me. what i do is just act like i'm reading to one of my closest friends who i know wouldn't laugh at me or tell me my cheeks are red. i have had people tell me that before, and you're right, it just makes it worse!!! just pretend you have your best friend next to you and you are reading to him/her. it always works for me! like just yesterday, i had to present a project to my history cl, and i just totally forgot tha anyone was in the room. i acted like i was in my room alone practicing the speech. ♥good luck on you speech and i hope this helps!!! ♥

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