Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How are al queda/ the Taliban (and terrorists groups generally) funded?

Terrorist cells along with other groups or organizations are basically funded by certain individuals within the group,that have contacts or resources to ist in the preservation and functions of the group. Even those in power;such as,politicians,various government constituents,and certain individuals that share the same ideals and political goals of a group or organization,will give financial aid. The same can be said for other countries or nations that have common interests with these groups and organizations. In regards to the IRA and their financial sources,it has been doented that they have received aid from a variety of groups and countries. Considerable training and weapons from Libyan special forces were discovered. The PLO is suspected of receiving funds,arms,and other terrorist related materials from sympathizers in the United States. Similarities in operations suggests links to ETA and the FARC. In August of 2002,three suspected IRA members were arrested in Colombia on charges of isting the FARC on how to improve explosive capabilities. There are also certain unknown entities and affiliations,and even certain individuals,that are crucial key players in certain affairs. They are the ones that have created the catch phrase,"conspiracy theory." When people think of things that are just too far-fetched,we automatically dismiss them and categorize them as "conspiracy theories." And that is exactly how they wish it to be. The rest is entirely up to you.

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