Saturday, August 13, 2011

How best to deal with a most trying situation what?

On taking my house servants for their regular 4:30 am march around the Clap trap Castle Acreage I happened upon a most disturbing situation what? There in the east corner I discovered a small pack of human vermin feeding off undergrowth just out side the Clap trap boundaries. They had anchored an odd looking vessel with two wheels ( I am told it is known as a caravan) being guarded by two ferocious looking sets of teeth that drip white gunge and make loud growling noises.These Plebeians have rather cheekily attached themselves to the Clap trap electrified fence and aer enjoying episodes of Britain's got exploitables! How should I best remove these parasites? Should I simply deliver to them a cruise missile or perhaps just run over them in my chieftain tank what? ?

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